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ECR Passport vs ECNR Passport in Hindi | By Ishan
As per the Emigration Act, 1983, Emigration Check Required (ECR) categories of Indian passport holders, require to obtain “Emigration Clearance” from the office of Protector of Emigrants (POE), Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs for going to following 18 countries.
United Arab Emirates (UAE), The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), Qatar, Oman, Kuwait, Bahrain, Malaysia, Libya, Jordan, Yemen, Sudan, Afghanistan, Indonesia, Syria, Lebanon, Thailand, Iraq (emigration banned).
There exist two categories of Passports in India which are
1.ECR-Emigration Clearance Required:This category is mostly assigned to the passport holders who are illiterate and labourers traveling for work in various Gulf countries like Iran, UAE, Indonesia etc. These Passport Holders during their emigration check by Protector of Emigrants (POE) they are told about their rights and are informed of various fraudulent scams in which these citizens are lured into performing illegal activities in the name of work. Most of the time these labourers are caught and are jailed in the foreign countries having none to protect them.
2.Non ECR-Emigration Check Not Required:As you can understand by the name in this category falls the literate and educationally qualified citizens who are travelling to any country for any purpose like work, business or pleasure.
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ECR Passport vs ECNR Passport in Hindi,ECR और NON ECR पासपोर्ट क्या होता है,What is the difference between ECR and non-ECR passport,ecr vs non ecr passport in hindi,ecr vs ecnr in hindi,ecr passport kya hota hai,ecnr passport kya hota hai,non ecr passport kya hota hai,ecnr passport ke kya fayde hai,ecr passport ke kya nuksan hai,ecnr passport kaise banwaye,passsport ko ecr se ecnr kaise karaye,how to make ecnr passport,change ecr passport to ecnr in hindi,ishanllb