At PKF Malta, we have grown our VIP client handling business around the immigration sector, and today we celebrate 7 years of success, gratitude, friendship and trust. As part of PKF International, there are no less than 28 PKF offices, spread across the African continent, and this lends us at PKF Malta, the invaluable benefit of insight, and perspective when it comes to market research, and outreach at grass, root level. We understand, that the African super-rich, are leaving for a variety of reasons ranging from education purposes, the loss of the currency’s value, against the US dollar, safety concerns in the country, from the threat of terrorism, rapidly changing social conditions, and concerns over rising tensions. All of the above, has gotten our attention, and it has helped us focus our efforts, towards translating the shroud, that inevitably surrounds a second passport as an investment choice, into realising a brilliant opportunity, that has been there, all along, but which had not yet adequately sat with the investor, as a feasible and plausible reality.
The current Malta Individual Investor Program, has past submission deadline for new applications, whereas we are now looking forward to Malta Individual Investor Program number 2. The second, Malta Individual Investor Program, is expected to go through Parliament shortly, before the summer recess, and would be rolled out, around September 2020. It is modeled on a Residency, that graduates, into citizenship, over a 3 or 1 year (fast track) period, in fact it is mirroring, in this aspect, the Bulgarian Passport Program, that PKF Malta also offers to our clients. The understanding is that the overall cost, will fluctuate around the present program cost, with the new Individual Investor Program, to remove the bond requirement, and will introduce, a thorough and in-depth vetting, and screening of the applicant that will need to be completed, before the applicant can even apply for citizenship, thereby, increasing the standard, at entry-level. It is understood, that a minimum stay requirement, will remain of 2 weeks, and the real estate lease, or purchase requirement, is anticipated to stay thus being increased, to reflect the current market prices. This program, has the European Commission’s stamp of approval, as was designed together with the same, and we look forward to promoting it, out there.
Separately, we continue to offer the widely popular Malta Permanent Residence program, known as MRVP, very successfully with a 30,000 euros contribution, covering the whole family, and a 6 to 8-month process, that requires only one visit to Malta, once successful.
For example, Bulgaria is another European offering, but also an E2 treaty country with the US, which means the holder of a Bulgarian Passport, can apply to obtain the corresponding business entry visa, into the US.
PKF Malta offers our service of products, either solely or as a package combining the passport process and the US E2 visa process.
Next example Turkey, not an EU member state but also an E2 treaty country with the US which means the holder of Turkish passport, can apply to obtain the corresponding business entry visa into the US, something a lot of our clients look towards. The process is straight to the application for a passport, after meeting investment holding of real estate investment, at a minimum of $250,000, with low legal costs of around $5,000, and short waiting time, of around 3 months. Some projects offer both buy back and rent guarantee.
We also offer our clients the Caribbean Passport of Grenada, we offer all Caribbean Programs, but right now Grenada is the market leader, for reasons that are self-evident, even beyond its natural beauty. Grenada is also an E2 treaty member, so the holder of Grenadian passport, can apply to obtain the corresponding business entry visa into the US, and again we offer, our services of products, either singly or as a package combining the passport process and the US E2 visa process. The total cost for the passport application process for a family of 4 is immensely competitive at under $300,000 with the leading CBI hospitality developer having a track record of successful projects.
As from next season, we anticipate also be offering an attractive and vetted EB5 option, with our trusted partners, in New York which guarantees project completion, client money back, and investor protection measures of the highest standard.
We invite you, to be a part of our success story, reach out to us today.
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PKF Malta is a member firm of the PKF International Limited family of legally independent firms and does not accept any responsibility or liability for the actions or inactions of any individual member or correspondent firm or firms.