On 10th December 2020 Economic Times (ET), a publication by Times of India hosted a webinar – Live the ‘Platinum Standard’ life: Become A Global Citizen through Citizenship by Investment in St Kitts & Nevis.
Joined by the Prime Minister of St Kitts & Nevis, Dr the Honourable, Timothy Harris, discusses why his country and citizenship by investment programme is the best and the most trusted in the world.
The ET webinar is also joined by Les Khan, Head of St Kitts & Nevis, who explains the Limited Time Offer, valid until 15th January 2021, that offers a reduced cost to obtain citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis.
CS Global Partners’ very own CEO, Micha Emmett, also joined the webinar to share the industry standpoint of becoming a global citizen through citizenship by investment and what it could mean for Indian investors today.
00:00 Introduction
03:45 What is citizenship by investment and why has it become so popular in recent years?
05:24 How can obtaining citizenship by investment help an individual become a global citizen?
06:54 Can you share a little about St Kitts & Nevis and what your country has to offer after 37 years of independence?
09:06 What role does longevity play in the St Kitts & Nevis citizenship by investment programme becoming known as the ‘Platinum Standard’ of the industry?
11:12 How would you describe the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis’ economic outlook to potential investors?
13:05 Who can become a citizen of St Kitts and Nevis? Is there anyone excluded from applying under the Programme?
15:06 what would you say are the key reasons an Indian investor should look to the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis for second citizenship in 2021?
18:30 Can you tell us more about the Limited Time Offer on SGF option?
19:23 Can you tell us more about the recently expanded family member eligibility in the citizenship by investment programme?
20:15 Can you please clarify for our listeners whether siblings are included in the Limited Time Offer of US$150,000 for families of up to four?
20:56 Can persons who have already obtained citizenship of St Kitts and Nevis apply for citizenship in respect of their siblings?
21:28 What are the unique benefits of applying under the St Kitts and Nevis fund option?
22:13 What can you tell us about processing times with the St Kitts and Nevis citizenship by investment application?
23:43 How does a strong visa-free offering make the St Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment Programme more appealing to indian national?
25:56 Can you walk us through an example of why an Indian national would want to obtain a different citizenship by investing in the Federation of St Kitts and Nevis?
27:59 Closing statements
The Limited Time Offer for St Kitts & Nevis is available until 15th Jan 2021. It offers a reduced cost of $150k for a family up to four. For more information, visit:
What do you think of St Kitts & Nevis as a second home for you and your family? Share your thoughts in the comments below
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CS Global Partners is one of the first government legal advisory firms to promote officially Citizenship by Investment (CBI) programmes. The company was established in London in 2012 by Micha-Rose Emmett, a South African dual-qualified lawyer with unrivalled acumen and experience in the investment immigration industry.
Headquartered in the heart of London, with offices across the Middle East, Africa and Asia, CS Global Partners comprises of a passionate team of reputable specialists and lawyers. Our law specialists provide expert advice to investors looking to apply for second citizenship or residency and our marketing department promotes the Citizenship and Residency by Investment Programmes that governments have trusted us with.
We can help you with your queries and advise you on which option is the best for you and your family.
To get a free consultation contact us at info@csglobalpartners.com
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