Home Caribbean Antigua Citizenship by investment: Pros and cons

Antigua Citizenship by investment: Pros and cons

Antigua Citizenship by investment: Pros and cons

Antigua citizenship by investment deserves a video in our Caribbean economic citizenship programs series and here it is now.

So, what are the pros and cons of Antigua economic citizenship program?

This is one of the newer programs and it also went through a dramatic price reduction due to price wars in the Caribbean.

This economic citizenship program was definitely one of the first to come out with more “exotic” options beyond the standard donation and approved real estate routes.

Andrew talks about how in Antigua it’s possible to invest in businesses as well, as long as you’re partnered with someone.

It’s important to note that Antigua and Barbuda isn’t a completely tax-free country, which is something to take into account.

During the price wars, Antigua cut the price of their citizenship by investment in half and the new price of $100,000 will give access to a family of four.

Real estate is still the most expensive option, which doesn’t surprise much.

What do you get for that price?

You get relatively good visa-free access to most of Central and South America, but not to China or Russia.

You also get good access to Schengen area in Europe, as well as to UK and Ireland.

Antiguan second passport could be considered B+ passport, which is quite a good standing for a second passport program.

If you want to learn more about Caribbean CBI programs, this video will interest you:

There are some other interesting perks to this economic citizenship that Andrew mentions, but for that, keep watching the video.


Andrew Henderson travels to nearly 30 countries every year to stay up to date on the latest legal strategies for entrepreneurs and investors to pay less tax, grow their money faster, and build their personal freedom.

Andrew started Nomad Capitalist to help people like you follow his five magic words: “go where you’re treated best”. He has personally started foreign companies, opened offshore bank accounts, and obtained multiple second passports.

He also learned the hard way that perpetual information seeking is often the biggest barrier to getting the results you want. Many entrepreneurs spend months and even years constantly researching how to pay less in tax or live overseas, but are afraid to make the jump.

As a result, they get stuck and keep paying a fortune in taxes and never get the lifestyle they deserve.

Nomad Capitalist’s Youtube channel is based on Andrew’s vision that focusing on the end result, rather than the latest shiny object, is the best way to actually obtain the benefits of the Nomad Capitalist lifestyle.

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