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Investing in Real Estate as an American? Beware!

Investing in Real Estate as an American? Beware!

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Which taxes do Americans have to pay when buying property abroad? As if purchasing a property in another country wasn’t complicated enough American citizens and permanent residents need to think about filing and paying US taxes even when they purchase property in another country.

On top of this, they, of course, have to pay local taxes in the country where they buy property.

Global investment in real estate can be quite complex, and there are many hoops to jump through in order to get things done right. It can also be quite rewarding, as you can get good property prices with decent ROI in some places.

The benefits of international real estate ownership are huge, especially if you can get a good deal.

As you probably already know, in some countries you will be able to get citizenship by investment or residency by investment if you purchase real estate. The most famous examples of this are the Golden visa in Portugal, Malta’s citizenship by investment program, and of course Golden visa in UAE (Dubai).

But again, what happens if you’re an American? Your tax obligations will always be present (unless you renounce your American citizenship) no matter where in the world are you.

Today we are specifically covering the topic of real estate investing for Americans who are buying property abroad.

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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