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Today I’m going to talk about what I call International Mismatches that will save you lots of money.
I’m hoping to clear up a common confusion that has to do with rules and how and where do they apply.
One common example that we can discuss has to do with residency. Residency VS Registration of a company. Just because you form a company in a country doesn’t mean that your company is a resident of that country. The residency of a company is often determined by where is company managed and controlled from and not where it is registered.
However, when it comes to getting a payment processing they will only care about the country of registration.
This means that you can register a company in a country that will make it easier for you to get payment processing while running your operations from another country that will give you low tax. You can mix and match rules, so they work in your favor.
This is just one of the many examples.
What your banker cares about when asking you about your tax residency is entirely different than what your country cares about. In banks, they care about ticking boxes, while your country might actually want to see that you’re paying taxes somewhere.
When it comes to the real world you can mix and match rules so you can take advantage of the situation that you’re in.
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We are Offshore Citizen team. We help people become global: get a second passport, set up a second residency, pay less taxes, do banking abroad, etc.
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Author: Michael Rosmer
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