Home European 100% Tax Exemption in Slovenia?

100% Tax Exemption in Slovenia?

100% Tax Exemption in Slovenia?

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Can you live in Slovenia and pay zero taxes? This is an interesting question, and the answer is… well it depends. There is a way to get tax exemption while living in this beautiful country.

Today we are covering this unusual program in Slovenia that will give you a tax benefit after you lived in the country for 15 years. After you’ve been a resident for this long, you will be paying ZERO tax in Slovenia.

Slovenia is normally not a low tax country! The do have a program for people who earn less than 100 000 EUROS per year, and they can end up paying only 4% in taxes. So, if you’re a freelancer who makes less than 100k this may be a good program for you.
But if you make more than 100k per year, you’ll end up paying quite a bit in taxes!

However, if you’re an investor who is making money of capital gains, you can take advantage od decreasing tax rate over the years.

What does this mean?

The nominal tax rate for capital gains is 25%, but every 5 years you hold that investment it decreases by 5% at the beginning, and after 15 years it goes down to zero!

This is something that may be interesting to investors who are considering getting a residency in Slovenia.

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We are Offshore Citizen team. We help people become global: get a second passport, set up a second residency, pay less taxes, do banking abroad, etc.

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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