Shalom, sephardic brothers and sisters
Do you know that when you become spanish for any sephardic citizenship procedure, you always keep your other citizenships? The Law in Spain permits it and is authomatic.
Many of you, who are in Israel or USA or other countries (and many of you are also american, french, brithsh, Canadian, moroccan, turquish…), you already have your file of Sephardic Spanish nationality started before October 1, by the Law of 2015, and you can complete the process throughout this year, where with the Coronavirus, the deadlines have been extended for at least two more months, and there is time. We can help you here with the rest of the procedure
But, what if you couldn’t start your Sephardic nationality file before October 1st?
Well, there is a NEW SEPHARDIC SPANISH PROCEDURE, which can be started now, where it is not necessary to travel to Spain or take the DELE and CCSE exams; and the whole procedure is telematic, online, and with our professional attorney card, we can process it for you.
This process was used in part before, but there are several super important and super essential peculiarities, now in 2020, legal, that did not exist before 2015, and therefore, with a good genealogy, a certificate from a Jewish community, if you Brother or sister, your friends have presented before 2019, and you qualify as Sephardic Spanish, why not present?
Everything is online, and an experienced Spanish immigration lawyer (with his professional attorney card) can help you in the entire process, and defend yourself until the end.
In addition, with it you will keep your other current nationalities (from Israel, USA, Canada, France, UK, Turkey, Morocco, Siria …), in addition to Latin American ones, when you obtain your Spanish nationality by Sephardic origin.
The Law expressly permits it, that before it could not be done, and now in 2020 yes.
Write us and we will inform you of the requirements and other details.
Subscribe directly to our Sephardic YouTube channel.
Bezrat Hashem
Dr. César David Ciriano
Email: cciriano@icab.es
Whatsapp direct : +34 615 53 75 72