Home Caribbean (Livestream) The St Lucia Advantage – Citizenship, Residency, Offshore.

(Livestream) The St Lucia Advantage – Citizenship, Residency, Offshore.

(Livestream) The St Lucia  Advantage – Citizenship, Residency, Offshore.

Keith Isaac, LL.B. (Hons), LL.M (City), Cert (IM)
Chief Operating Officer & Investment Migration Advisor at Polaris Citizenship & Investment Consultancy Services Limited and Attorney at Floissac, Du Boulay & Thomas.

Geoffrey DuBoulay LL.B LL.M. (Lond.)
Managing Partner at Floissac DuBoulay & Thomas

Managing Director and Investment Migration Advisor at Polaris Citizenship Investment and Consultancy Services Limited

Derren Joseph (Partner, Hayden T. Joseph & Co. )
Derren is a Partner in Hayden T Joseph & Co. (DBA “Advanced American Tax”) and a member of the International Tax Team at Moores Rowland Asia Pacific, with over 30 offices in 11 Asian countries.

Derren Joseph is an Enrolled Agent admitted to practice before the IRS. He authored the “Taxes for International Entrepreneurs and Expats: Proven Principles for Legally Reducing Taxes” (available on Amazon).

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Email: Hanna@AdvancedAmericanTax.com

4. It is also helpful if you use the Eventbrite calendar function to ensure that the event is automatically saved to the calendar on your device in your local time. Many times people miss the event because they misunderstood the time zones. Allow eventbrite to make it easy for you. Leverage technology. Please don’t contact us to confirm the time.”

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