Home European Golden Visa in the UAE (Dubai) Just Got Better

Golden Visa in the UAE (Dubai) Just Got Better

Golden Visa in the UAE (Dubai) Just Got Better

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UAE Golden Visa has just gotten better!
New rules brought lower investments, fewer visa requirements, and longer residency in the country.

If you’re thinking of investing in property in the UAE this is good news for you. The required amount is now only 2 million AED which is about $544 000 and this investment will give you a 10-year residency permit!

On top of this, in order to keep your residency you are not required to spend any time in the country! You can also add your family members (dependents) up to the age of 25.

New rules will make relocation to Dubai easier for different groups of people including investors, entrepreneurs, startup owners, professionals, talents, scientists, etc.

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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