Home European What kind of visa will you require and how to become a resident?

What kind of visa will you require and how to become a resident?

What kind of visa will you require and how to become a resident?

Are you researching different ways to become a resident of Portugal? In this video, we’ll show you 10 essential tips before coming to Portugal. You will learn how to make an investment in Portugal in order to find a second home. We’ll provide you with detailed information about the required documents and cultural differences as well.

❗️ Ilana’s whatsapp number +351 914 094 965

▶️ See all terms and conditions of how to get a Portugal Golden Visa here

#Portugal #Top7 #GoldenVisa #Migronis

00:00 — Intro
00:44 — Bureaucracy
02:44 — What kind of visa will you require?
04:33 — Investment and real estate
05:12 — Climate
06:43 — Taxes
07:34 — Language
09:03 — Food

Do you want a Portugal Golden Visa? Our Head Office is located in Lisbon! We have the best opportunities to oversee the process at each stage, settling all issues right in place.

Ilana’s whatsapp number +351 914 094 965

▶️ See all terms and conditions of how to get a Portugal Golden Visa here
▶️ Get a free consultation

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