Home Caribbean Dr Jordan's Match Journey #1: Introduction

Dr Jordan's Match Journey #1: Introduction

Dr Jordan's Match Journey #1: Introduction

Dr Abney is an aspiring Resident applying to the 2022-2023 Match Cycle. As the application cycle gets going, Jordan shares insights into his current preparations. Stay tuned for more updates and interviews throughout the application and Match process!

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Match A Resident ® – Your Residency Support System
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Match A Resident (MAR) is the leading service providing you with customized residency program lists. You are not required to call or email the residency programs for their requirements. Simple! Enter your credentials on our website and our state-of-the-art system will instantly generate the list for you. Visit

Residency Statement is a service that assists you with your personal statement editing and/or development visit

Residency Experts is your Medical Residency Application Solution: Providing review, editing or feedback for the MyERAS Application, Personal Statements, and Letters of Recommendation for busy medical residency applicants. Visit at:

Electronic Residency is a service that offers assistance and coaching during the Match and Post-Match seasons. Explore our new and unique SOAP℠ services. Register now at

Questions? Contact us at (858) 221-8510 or email us your question or phone number at support@matcharesident.com and we will be happy to assist you!



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