This is a CTV Business News Update:
Green economy jobs are in focus this week as Colleges and Institutes Canada [CICan] launches –the SAGE programme – SAGE is the acronym for Skills to Access the Green Economy.
This $15M CAD program is funded by the Government of Canada through Global Affairs Canada.
The 5-year program will help local training institutions deliver gender-sensitive skills training programs that the meet economic and environmental needs in the region.
In St. Lucia, the program is focused on Climate Smart Agriculture and the Caribbean partners are Sir Arthur Lewis Community College and the National Skills Development Centre.
The Canadian partners are Dalhousie University (Nova Scotia) in partnership with Algonquin College (Ottawa).
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has concluded that the Citizenship by Investment (CBI) program was one of the key reasons why the region has recorded a growth in the gross domestic product (GDP) last year.
However, the IMF anticipates the GDP growth to gradually slow to 2.5%. It says in the short-term, economic activity will be driven by tourism investment, some agricultural business projects, and further post-hurricane reconstruction.
In other news the IMF is urging the region to experiment with a common digital currency about to be introduced by the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank.
This has been a CTV Business News Update – for more visit www.stluciafirst.com or the Calabash TV Facebook and YouTube pages