#globalcitizens #globalcitizenship #action #equality #development Nikola Ivezaj Vice President and Deputy to Chief Policy and Governmental Relations Officer at globalcitizen.org joins Emiliano Bosio to discuss “Justice, Equality and Development”. Nikola was a career diplomat from Montenegro’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, where he spent 10 years as the First Secretary in the Foreign Ministry in Montenegro, and later, in the Permanent Mission of Montenegro to the United Nations. Subsequently, he became an Advisor to the 72nd President of the United Nations General Assembly. During his time in the Mission, Nikola was also part of the campaign team of H.E. Prof. Dr. Igor Lukšić, Montenegro’s candidate for the position of United Nations Secretary-General in 2016 and has briefly served as the Vice-Consul of Montenegro in New York. Nikola also worked for a number of United Nations funds and programs. He was a Partnership Advisor at the United Nations Office for Project Services; Program Consultant for the United Nations Development Programme; and a representative of the Eastern European Group in the Executive Board of the UNDP, UNOPS and UNFPA. Nikola has a Bachelor’s in Legal Sciences, a postgraduate specialized degree in International Law, a Master’s degree in Legal Sciences, as well as a certificate from the Fordham Law Summer Institute in New York.
To cite this video-interview:
Bosio, E. [Dr. Emiliano Bosio]. (2022, June 16). Nikola Ivezaj Global Citizenship Education Interview Series with Emiliano Bosio [Video file]. Retrieved from
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Global Citizenship Education Interview Series provides a “video-roadmap” to relevant teaching experiences on Global Citizenship Education. “Interview Series on Global Citizenship Education” intends to be a valuable resource for three groups of viewers: 1) Educators who are seeking to develop their theoretical understanding of Global Citizenship Education into teaching practice 2) Researchers who are new to Global Citizenship Education and who seek dynamic starting points for their research; 3) General viewers who are interested in learning more about the history, philosophy, and practice of Global Citizenship Education.