Part II – Characteristics of IMGs (International Medical Graduates) both US Citizens & non-US Citizens who participated in the 2022 Match for Medical Residency in US through NRMP.
0:00 Introduction
1:53 Overview of the Document
3:29 Overall IMG Applicants (and survey respondents)
8:30 Summary Outcomes for the Match 2022
10:40 Table 1: Number of Applicants and Positions
14:50 Chart 2: Ration of IMG/available position by Specialty
18:00 Chart 3: Match Rates of IMGs by Specialty
20:48 Table 2: Summary Statistics (All combined)
24:43 Chart 4: Number of Programs Ranked by IMGs
26:32 Chart 5: Number of Specialities Ranked by IMGs
27:35 Chart 6: USMLE Step 1 Scores
28:40 Chart 7: USMLE Step 2 Score
29:50 Chart 9: Research publications and experiences
This a series of videos where I analyze the Research data published publicly by NRMP (National Resident Matching Program) the official program for matching of Medical Residency applicants to available US Residency positions every year. This is a rich amount of very significant data based on the residency application information filled in by all applicants (who accept to participate in this anonymous research) and provide insight into characteristics of those who matched (and did not match) into their specialty of choice (such as Neurology). The data include information like USMLE Steps scores, number of programs ranked, research experiences, publications etc.
The data is publicly available at NRMP website and this video is my interpretation of the data with focus on Neurology and should be taken with lot of salt and could have lot of errors that I may or may not be able to correct in future videos.