Home Caribbean Royal Tour: Antigua and Barbuda ask Wessexes to use ‘diplomatic influence’ for reparations

Royal Tour: Antigua and Barbuda ask Wessexes to use ‘diplomatic influence’ for reparations

Royal Tour: Antigua and Barbuda ask Wessexes to use ‘diplomatic influence’ for reparations

The Earl of Wessex gave a nervous laugh after the Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda urged him and Sophie to use their “diplomatic influence” to achieve “reparatory justice” for the island.

Edward joked that he had not been taking notes during Gaston Browne’s opening remarks so could not respond to all the points he had made.

The prime minister did not laugh at the comment.

It follows protests on the couple’s visit to St Vincent and the Grenadines on Saturday, where banners were held aloft saying “compensation now” and “Britain your debt is outstanding”.

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