Home Caribbean Ireland – Tax Exemption for Artists

Ireland – Tax Exemption for Artists

Ireland – Tax Exemption for Artists

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Today we are in Ireland – a historically famous place where big companies relocated to pay less tax.
You’ve probably seen many headlines about Apple and Google avoiding taxes by registering their companies in Ireland. This structure used to be called ”The Double Irish”.

We’ve covered this topic in another video, but today we are talking about one very interesting option in Ireland that may be interesting to some people. This exemption will give you tax relief, meaning you will not be taxable on a portion of your income.

If you’re an artist in Ireland you could potentially pay no tax.

Play writers, artists, songwriters, sculptors, etc – any works that have artistic or cultural merit, can potentially be exempt from tax for up to 50 000 eur per year.

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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