Dr. Harsh Patel, who matched into Mayo Clinic will discuss in this class, if IMGs should focus on single specialty or depending in profile, apply to multiple specialties as part of the USMLE residency match cycle. This
class is open to all Sarthi students for 2023 season
Other questions answered
Do you apply to different specialties for residency?
Do people apply to multiple specialties?
How many programs should I apply to residency?
How to Get Into Residency Programs as an IMG
IMG friendly Residency Programs
Apply Smart Data to Consider When Applying to Residency
applying to two specialties
img friendly residency programs 2022
img friendly residency programs 2023
dual applying residency
can you apply to multiple specialties for residency
how many residency programs to apply to img
applying to two specialties at same hospital
combined residency programs list
can residency programs see where you applied
Mayo Clinic Match as IMG
Visit our website to see how we can help you with USMLE Residency Match for IMGs, ERAS CV, Personal statement for residency, USMLE step 1, Step 2 CK, rotations/electives, Research publications or Communication skills/OET for USMLE
Website: www.usmlesarthi.com
Email: contact@usmlesarthi.com
instagram @usmlesarthi
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Step 1 group:
Match group
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