Home USA Republicans introduce immigration bill, but GOP divided over it#immigrationnew#dignityactimmigration

Republicans introduce immigration bill, but GOP divided over it#immigrationnew#dignityactimmigration

Republicans introduce immigration bill, but GOP divided over it#immigrationnew#dignityactimmigration

Republicans introduce immigration bill, but GOP divided over it#immigrationnews#dignityactimmigration#immigrationreform

Republicans are at odds with immigration bills introduced by members of their own party that will give citizenship to millions of people in the country.
Florida House of Representatives Maria Elvira Salazar spoke about dignity law at a press conference on February 9. The law helps those brought into the country as minors and those who contribute to the US economy without legal permission, while also focusing on strengthening borders.
“Historically, the United States has been a paradise for people to escape violence and oppression and seek new lives and opportunities,” Salazar said. “Over the last few decades, our broken immigration system has been abused, creating a situation that is unsuitable for our great country.”
While the United States is a nation of laws, we are also a nation of second chances,” she said. “Through dignity and a chance at redemption, this legacy can continue.”
Some provisions of the proposal require migrants to pay a 10-year fund an annual compensation of $ 1,000, which will help train other workers.
The bill “rationalizes” the routes of minors illegally brought into the country as children and improves the structure and system of the border with the United States. This is also paid by tax on the immigrants applying. However, according to a press release explaining the bill, they “have no access to means-tested interests or federal qualifications.” 4,444 members of the Salazar Party opposed and unveiled a rift between those who wanted to support immigration reform within the Republican Party and those who opposed it, calling it a kind of “amnesty



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