Maliksajjadvelog || Romania work visa ||
Though. Romania not in shengan estates but most of the people like to work there specially from pakistan because acording to them. thy have A hope that very soon Romania will be enter in shengan Estates and this is the main reason to go there. Other this Reason there is large amount of people from all over the world who want to Go Romania because the feel that from ( Romania ) maybe thy can enter easily in Others shengan estate. Acording to my knowledge and experience around the world i always Advsie to people to adopt the legal way for international Travling which is very easy. if you have proper Guid line im Sure you will nver go with any inlegal activity regarding this. And this regard I always welcome to all PEOPLE’S who who want to take information that how they can do this and take visa from emabssy lrgaly . I always discourage for All in legal ways which people adopt for international borders crossing. And how its difficult and Dangerous people don’t know. But some people misguide them and that’s why the are taking this kind of step and Risk . And the Reson is because thy don’t have much information that how we can legaly travel around the world with less expence. So if any body like to take any kind of information regarding visit visa. You may contact any time at my whatsapp number +923214082006. I always welcome to All people who’s love to Traval.
Thanks and kind Regards,
Maliksajjadvelog || Maliksajjadvelog
Malik sajjad
03214082006 pakistan