Home USA Understanding Commercial Real Estate Syndications with Ron Rohde

Understanding Commercial Real Estate Syndications with Ron Rohde

Understanding Commercial Real Estate Syndications with Ron Rohde

What are the typical responsibilities of the GP vs LP in a real estate syndication? What are the different entity structures for commercial real estate syndications and what are the pros and cons of each?

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Welcome, and for all your questions, Raphael Collazo is here to help you with Understanding Commercial Real Estate Syndications with Ron Rohde.

If you are interested in learning about the many facets of commercial real estate, whether you’re a business owner, investor, or just someone who’s curious about the subject, you’ll gain value from being a part of the group!

In today’s episode, Ron Rohde, Founder at Wyatt, Law Office of Ronald Rohde, PLLC, discussed his background and experiences in the commercial real estate industry.

Along with that, he will talk about what commercial real estate syndications are and discuss the rules and regulations surrounding the structure.

▶️ In this video, you will learn about various concepts including:

• What are the typical responsibilities of the GP vs LP in a real estate syndication,
• What are the different entity structures for commercial real estate syndications,
• What are the pros and cons of each,
• When seeking financing via a real estate syndication, what are some of the legal considerations,
• What is the difference between a 506(b) & 506(c) offering,
• As well as much more…

So, watch the full video until the end to learn about commercial real estate syndications and the rules and regulations surrounding the structure.

▶️ If you’re interested in learning more about Ron, check out the following links:

▶ LinkedIn:
▶ Website:
▶ Email: ron@ronaldrohdelaw.com

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