![[ OFFSHORE TAX ] It's not that hard to get a second citizenship [ OFFSHORE TAX ] It's not that hard to get a second citizenship](https://immigranttravels.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/OFFSHORE-TAX-It39s-not-that-hard-to-get-768x432.jpg)
[ OFFSHORE TAX ] It’s not that hard to get a second citizenship
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i think it’s really unfortunate if we were not to continue that natural step in our evolutionary process and not leverage the same tax rules that are written for everybody’s benefit and you leave money on the table because that’s essentially what you’re doing if it is that you are at a stage because i know some people are still at a stage where they are dependent they’re location bound they must go to this office every day and so on and so forth but if you are at a stage where you’re running your business like my clients are or you are uh reliance on investments then you are doing yourself and you’re doing a family disservice if you are not leveraging the rules to you and your family’s advantage and that means legally considering other residencies and citizenships and the easiest one would be where our parents came from at the very least for those who are immigrants not just for those of the uh african diaspora but you know when i talk to my clients in in the us and they want to leave the us so oh your grandparents are from italy or from ireland where’s your irish passport where’s your italian passport all those european countries do have those rules uh you can you can legally once one you can prove that one of your grand grandparents was irish british italian french whatever you will get a passport to my jewish clients why don’t you have an israeli passport you’re legally entitled to one to or based on the the rules because as i don’t know how much of history class he paid attention to around the time when christopher columbus got uh his first uh series a round from the uh king and queen of spain to go on on his startup venture to the united states that coincided in 1490s with the ejection of jews from spain and portugal so i i have clients right now who were able based on certain rules uh and laws in spain and portugal to reclaim their portuguese and their spanish citizenship because their ancestors were kicked out 500 years ago and it’s all it’s all legal you know everybody’s taking advantage of these and you’re leaving money on the table if you are not and you’re leaving yourself exposed if you are not so
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