Thank you for watching our latest video here on YouTube, or if you are watching early on Patreon thank you so very much for your kindness and support.
We are building our online presence and as such will be posting more regular updates, photographs, blog posts, and offering early and ad-free access to our YouTube video’s on our Patreon page. If you would like to join us please find us here..
We truly appreciate your likes and comments, and they really help our channel a lot, but if you would like to support our channel further please click the Super Thanks button at the bottom of this video.
Alternatively if you would like to buy us a coffee that would be amazing, we love a coffee, and one day soon we would love to return the compliment.
For random photographs and updates please follow us on our Instagram page
Now that we are sure we have our residency in Portugal the dream
of building a semi self-reliant life may be starting to become a reality.
We expect that ‘Mungo the Minibus’ will be our full time home for the next
year as we travel the UK and Europe, and whilst we work on our tiny house and land in Central Portugal.
Thank you so much for following our journey, love from Elaine and Darren.
Royalty free music supplied by