Home Caribbean What is e passport | E passport of Pakistan | E passport fees online | Pakistani e passport

What is e passport | E passport of Pakistan | E passport fees online | Pakistani e passport

What is e passport | E passport of Pakistan | E passport fees online | Pakistani e passport

#Passport #EPassport #Pakistan #OverseasPak #SaudiInfo
An electronic chip would be used in the new biometric passport, the federal minister said on his Twitter handle and informed that 29 latest new security features have been added to the e-passport.
It would be the biggest up-gradation of Pakistani travel documents since 2004, he added.
The minister said the e-passport holder would take benefit from the e-gate facility at all airports around the world.
Initially, an e-passport facility would be available for diplomatic and government officials, he added.
An e-passport is a highly secure travel document with an embedded microchip containing biometric information about the holder.
With the launch of the service, the country would become one of the many countries to have an electronic passport system, boosting security and smooth international travelFace Book Group 📰
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