Home Caribbean Digital Nomads in Madeira, Portugal. D7 Visa Portugal (eng, rus sub)

Digital Nomads in Madeira, Portugal. D7 Visa Portugal (eng, rus sub)

Digital Nomads in Madeira, Portugal. D7 Visa Portugal (eng, rus sub)

Interview with immigration lawyer Sandra Jardim Fernandes, about digital nomads and moving to Portugal – using the D7 visa.

“What are the main requirements for the D-7 visa they should follow?

– The D-7 visa is the visa that we’ve been working with remote workers. You know that D-7 started as a passive income. And it was promoted like that. So, many people that were working, they thought they couldn’t apply through D-7. Because it was not a passive but an active income. But then we started to work and using the D-7 for active income. Meaning what is important is to prove that there is some savings, as I said. So, at least 1 year of Portuguese minimum salary has to be transferred into a Portuguese bank account. And we need to prove that there is a bank account opened in Portugal.”

“If this kind of people establish a company in Madeira, with the 5% of the corporate tax, employ themselves in this company, they can also get a D-2 visa, as well?

– Yes, it’s the same. So you, as an entrepreneur, which is a D-2, you need to prove that you have a Portuguese company. And even if it’s a company is based in the international business center of Madeira, it’s a Portuguese company. So, it’s exactly the same. So, it’s possible to use and apply as an entrepreneur, yes.”
Find out more information firsthand from the video!

Time codes:
00:00 | Interview with Sandra Jardim Fernandes (Lawyer Q&A)
00:24 | Digital nomad & remote workers in the Madeira (Portugal)
01:25 | Portugal’s D7: A Visa for digital nomad, remote workers and financially self-sufficient
01:44 | The D7 Process. D7 vs. Residency by Investment (Portugal Golden Visa)
04:05 | Financial Criteria
06:50 | Visa D7 Appointment Wait Times
08:10 | US tax regime vs Portuguese tax regime (Madeira)
11:10 | How long does it take to get a D-7 visa?
12:34 | How long can I stay in Portugal on the D7? How long does it take to apply for citizenship?
14:41 | What are some common reasons for rejection of a D7 visa application?
16:08 | What’s so great about Madeira for Digital Nomads and Remote Work?

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