Home USA US Green card & Visa Fast tracked in 2021 with 3 new Rule cancellation. Democratic Immigration plan

US Green card & Visa Fast tracked in 2021 with 3 new Rule cancellation. Democratic Immigration plan

US Green card & Visa Fast tracked in 2021 with 3 new Rule cancellation. Democratic Immigration plan

US immigration.

Its not always the new rule that fast tracks Green Card and US Visa issuance. sometimes its cancelling the old draconian rules.

Even though piecemeal immigration presented in house did not move up to senate floor, and no major comprehensive immigration reform bill is passed by Biden administration yet, the cancelled rule and immigration executive orders are already working from the background to speedup your immigration papers. The corona virus pandemic has masked us from witnessing the effects it had in process time reduction though. In this video we will discuss about those cancelled rules; along with Democrats meeting at the border to discuss about their plan for Immigration Reforms.

First one: Cancellation of Extended Biometric Collection.
Second cancelled rule: The Biden administration has already done away with some of Trump’s most prominent immigration policies, including the 2019 Public Charge Rule.
Third changed rule: President Biden’s Executive Order – To Restore Faith in Our Immigration System and Promote Integration of New Americans.

#USimmigration #USVisa #Greencard #Biometrics

00:00 News Highlights
01:12 Biden’s 1st Rule change: Cancellation of Extended Biometrics
02:55 Biden’s 2nd Rule Change: Cancellation of Public charge
02:55 Biden’s 2nd Rule Change: Cancellation of Public charge
04:21 Biden’s 3rd Change: Executive Order
06:03 Democrats Immigration Reform Plan

Disclaimer: This channel is not owned by an any US Government Agency or an Immigration attorney. The contents in the channel is for informational purpose only collected from Various public domains. you may need to contact an expert immigration attorney for your specific immigration needs.



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