I know this question is critical for your E2 visa process, I went through that as well and I was not sure what to do! In this video I will tell you how much money you really need to invest to get your E2 visa approved.
Hi everyone, I am John Ordoñez entrepreneur and passionate Real Estate broker. I wish you the best with your E2 visa process. So how much you really need to invest to get approved on the E2 Visa? I’m not an attorney or legal advisor, I said this before, but I went to a whole study of the topic before I applied myself and I think is very valuable information and I want to share it with you.
Before I give you an amount, I have to tell you that more important is to be prepared to show where that money came from, there is a whole investigation and process to prove to the American Government where you got that money from. This is critical and you will have to be able to show it, a consistent track all the way to the source of the funds so be cautious with this. They will ask you for bank Statements, Receipts, taxes paid, tax employees if you have a business, income taxes, Be prepared!
The law says that the investment must be substantial, but who says what is substantial or not? That will be sole discretion of the embassy but if you present a solid case, you will most likely get approved!
** I made a video about my whole E2 visa experience, click on the link on top or look for it in the description box so you get more detailed information about the E2 visa process
I read about a person that got approved with around 35,000 start up investment, he presented a great plan, it was solid, it was well presented with big projection and got approved so you need to make a good presentation, you have to hire professionals to help with every step, I mean there are many things you can do yourself but for detailed stuff just hire the pros.
On the other hand, the investment can’t be an amount that doesn’t go with the business idea, for example, there are businesses that require more money than others to start, so you have to consider your investment and the business, and they have to make sense, be realistic, be true.
Consider all these critical steps, a solid investment is any amount over 100K, I spoke with different attorneys, and they all agree on that amount, they all said that the higher the better. In other words, if the business you picked can be open realistically with 100K invest 120K or 110K, and the same with any business model.
I hope this video was helpful, if you have any questions, I will put my email in the comments or DM me at any time.
I will be glad to help in any way possible to me. I will see you next time.
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