St. George’s University School of Veterinary Medicine offers an outstanding educational experience that will get you to your goal—becoming a successful veterinarian.
Find out how the SGU Vet School program can help you to achieve your dream of working with animals and becoming a veterinarian. Learn about the Small Animal and Large Animal clinics at the University. These clinics are where our veterinary students get tremendous clinical experience working with small and large animals.
SGU has a teaching herd of cows, horses, and small ruminants. This facility allow for the SGU curriculum to be a hands-on experience the first couple weeks with student in the labs touching animals and learning the process of working with animals. When vet students leave here after three years in Grenada, they’ve gained hands on clinical experience.
Find out more abou thte SGU Vet Program at:
Video content includes:
0:00 Introduction
0:38 Small Animal Veterinary Clinic
1:00 Large Animal Facility
1:30 Immediate Clinical Experience
2:01 AVMA Accredited School
2:57 Business side of Veterinary Medicine