The dream to live on a boat slowly started a few years ago when we were in the Philippines.
We were staying on a remote little island outside the famous Cloud-9 break. It was an island with no modern amenities, and the only way to access it was a long day of multiple ferry rides, moto-taxis, and more ferry’s. As Kyle paddled out, a gentleman paddled in. ‘Just anchored around the bay, got my house with me, hows the surf been?’ He declared as he paddled in.
That’s where the dream began. The dream to see new places. The dream to bring your home to the waves. The dream to see what is hiding just around the bend…
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Small Town Big Family –
EOS Surf Shop –
Music Bed –
What we’ve been missing – The Light the heat
I Got You – Anders Sohn
From the Dust – Daniel Deuschle
Deliverance – Strahan