How do Caribbean medical students match in USMLE residency? We discuss issues related to Caribbean medical students and also other IMGs like LORs, switching medical schools in Caribbean, how to apply for multiple specialties, what are the eligible states for Caribbean medical students when they apply for USMLE Match?
Some other topics discussed
How hard is it to get a residency from a Caribbean medical school?
Can you practice in the US with a Caribbean medical degree?
What Caribbean medical schools are accredited in the US?
Can you transfer from Caribbean medical school to us?
which Caribbean medical schools are accredited in all 50 states, Caribbean medical schools ranking, Caribbean medical school acceptance rate, list of Caribbean medical schools
How can I increase my chances of getting residency?
Do Caribbean medical students match?
How many interviews do residency applicants get?
Caribbean img match rate, residency programs for Caribbean students, medical residency programs in the caribbean, Caribbean medical school acceptance rate, caribbean medical school match rate.
Visit our website to see how we can help you with USMLE Residency Match for IMGs, ERAS CV, Personal statement for residency, USMLE step 1, Step 2 CK, rotations/electives, Research publications or Communication skills/OET for USMLE
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0:00 Introductions
1:40 LOR issues
3:50 Be proactive
5:40 Rotations schedule
7:12 Switching schools
8:45 Multiple specialties
11:05 Eligible states
12:50 Subinternships
15:40 Research/Volunteering
18:40 Conclusion