Home Caribbean Everything you need to know about traveling to St. Lucia | Airport, Hotel, Food, Costs, Tests, Etc.

Everything you need to know about traveling to St. Lucia | Airport, Hotel, Food, Costs, Tests, Etc.

Everything you need to know about traveling to St. Lucia | Airport, Hotel, Food, Costs, Tests, Etc.

EVERYTHING you need and want to know about traveling to St. Lucia right now. How much we spent, where we stayed, what tests we took, timing, airplane/airport info. I leave nothing out! Here is exactly what it’s like traveling during covid.

Time Stamps:

What you need for entry: 1:50
PCR Test info: 3:45
Travel Forms: 7:37
Coming Back into the US: 9:35
Testing at the hotel: 10:00
Timing for filling out and submitting forms: 11:40
Where we stayed: 13:58
Costs: 14:52
Food & Drinks: 15:25
Hotel Cost/Stay Info 15:35
IG Q&A 18:20
How we found deals 19:15
What I pack during covid for travel: 20:03
What it’s like going through security 20:50
What I use to clear security 23:30
What It’s like on-board the airplane 25:03
What to bring on the plane: 28:20
What kind of test you need: 29:37
Where we stayed 30:12
Transportation/ Airport Info 31:57
Curfew 34:30
Things to do 36:50
Mask Requirements at the hotel 37:10

The 3 things you need:
1. Negative PCR Covid Test
2. Approved Travel Auth Form
3. Quarantine Consent Form

Travel Authorization Form:

Hotel We Stayed at:

Transportation from Airport to Hotel Roundtrip:

Disposable Shoe Coverings:


Camera used: Canon 70D Sigma 18-35mm 1.8 Lens and iPhone XS Max

I’ve used tracking links above to keep up with the traffic this video sends to these websites. Just in case I may want to work with them in the future! 😉



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