Home European Citizenship in Bahrain, Rights or Privilege? The policy of citizenship revocation in the country

Citizenship in Bahrain, Rights or Privilege? The policy of citizenship revocation in the country

Citizenship in Bahrain, Rights or Privilege? The policy of citizenship revocation in the country


On November 12, 2020, Americans for Democracy and Human Rights in Bahrain (ADHRB) hosted an online streamed event on the revocation of citizenship in Bahrain. This event, entitled “Citizenship in Bahrain, Rights or Privilege? The policy of citizenship revocation in the country” focused on how the revocation of citizenship is used as a weapon by the Government of Bahrain to silence dissent and opposition. The event had four panelists in total: Abdulghani Khanjar,  Zahra Albarazi, Mouna Ben Garga, and Courtney Radsch; and Husain Abdulla, the executive director of ADHRB, moderated the event.



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