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Today we are covering a VERY important topic. We are talking about the difference between citizenship, residency, and tax residency.
Where are you obligated to pay taxes? In a country where you come from or in a country where you live? Or maybe somewhere else?
What does your passport have to do with taxation, and does second citizenship from a zero-tax country mean that you don’t have to pay taxes ever again?
There are many confusions among people about where are they taxable. Many also don’t seem to understand the difference between citizenship and residency.
These are very important terms when it comes to planning your offshore structure, so it is crucial to fully understand them.
These are the very basics of what you absolutely need to know.
Who are we and what do we do?
We are Offshore Citizen team. We help people become global: get a second passport, set up a second residency, pay less taxes, do banking abroad, etc.
We have lots of interesting articles on different topics, we have relevant information up to date.
Author: Michael Rosmer
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#Citizenship #Residency #TaxResidency