Home Caribbean Digital Nomad Visas to Lower Your Taxes

Digital Nomad Visas to Lower Your Taxes

Digital Nomad Visas to Lower Your Taxes

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So, what is all the hype around these new Digital Nomad Visas?

Learn in this video what my thoughts are on Digital Nomad Visas and how you can potentially make use of them to lower your taxes.

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ABOUT ME: I’m Kathleen. I teach location independent entrepreneurs how to legally reduce their taxes so that they can save money and time, scale their business with ease and grow their global wealth. Thank you so much for watching.

NOTICE: The content of this video is not to be considered as a legal opinion, tax or financial advice. Wanderers Wealth does not hold itself out as a legal professional or tax advisor. If you want to receive a legal opinion or tax advice on the matter in this video please contact us directly and we will refer you to a legal practitioner.



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