US Immigration
NVC National Visa Center Case processing time in March 2022.
Current Case file creation, at NVC takes 13 days.
Document review at NVC takes 94 days.
Current Public Inquiry response from NVC takes 47 days.
The NVC is an agency within the U.S. Department of State
More Good News for Certain Immigrants and Non Immigrants waiting for US Visa Interview at Embassies and Consulates abroad!.
If your case is at the National Visa Center (NVC), you may have a lot of questions about case processing. like the purpose of the NVC, the length of the process, Delays at National Visa Center, and what you need to do, to improve your immigration case processing times. In this video, we can discuss about the commonly and frequently asked questions, about your immigration case at National Visa center, for your US Visa and GreenCard application
NVC 60 Day notice NVC Case processing for US Visa interview at US Embassy
You may be curious to know, when can you expect to finally receive an US Visa interview letter, especially some of you are waiting for more than 5 years, for processing your F2A, F2B or other immigrant category visa.
Department of State is waiving in-person interview, through a Temporary Final rule effective immediately for certain Immigrant Family and Fiancé Visa applicants, to reduce the massive visa backlog in Embassies and Consulates abroad. On top of this, Just before Christmas, The Department of State announced another major interview waiver announcement for Employment Visa applicants like H, L & O Visa. Student Visa Applicants like F, M & J Visa. Certain Agricultural Visa applicants like H2B Visa workers and certain other Non Immigrant visa categories. The family or Immigrant interview waiver will remain in effect for next 24 months and The Non Immigrant interview waiver will remain in effect until Dec 2022.
USCIS have issued a bunch of policy changes for US visas and Green cards to reduce backlog and faster adjudication
Expansion of Interview Waiver Eligibility is also applied at the US consulates abroad. Department of Homeland Security, has temporarily expanded the ability of consular officers to waive the in-person interview requirement, for individuals applying for a nonimmigrant visa in the same classification.
This video covers Visa’s and their priority order in detail (starting from IR category, ending with Tourist B1 & B2 visa).
IR-1, CR-1, IR-2, IR-3, K1, SE1, H1B, H4, L1, L2, TN, H2, F, M, J, E1, E2, B1, B2 Visa appointments.
You can also have a quick look at individual country wise embassy visa processing status worldwide
Philippines US embassy / Consulate status –
Mexico US embassy / Consulate status –
United Kingdom US embassy / Consulate status –
India US embassy / Consulate status –
Pakistan US embassy –
China US embassy / Consulate status –
Dominican Republic US embassy / Consulate status –
Thailand US embassy / Consulate status –
Nigeria US embassy / Consulate status –
Colombia US embassy / Consulate status –
Ukraine US embassy / Consulate status –
Russia US embassy / Consulate status –
Vietnam US embassy / Consulate status –
Indonesia US embassy / Consulate status –
Canada US embassy / Consulate status –
Brazil US Embassy –
#USImmigration #NVC #USConsulate #USCIS #DOS #GreenCard #FamilyUSVisa #NVCNotices #USEmbassy #NVCProcessing2022 #NVCCaseProcessing #NVCFAQ
Disclaimer: This channel is not owned by an any US Government Agency or an Immigration attorney. The contents in the channel is for informational purpose only collected from Various public domains. you may need to contact an expert immigration attorney for your specific immigration needs.
00:00 Intro & Highlights
02:46 Processing times
03:42 NVC: Case File Creation Timeframe
04:43 NVC: Case Creation Review Timeframe
05:38 NVC: Public Inquiry Response Timeframe
06:11 US Embassy or Consulate Interview
07:26 Why National Visa Center taking so long
07:56 NVC March Backlog report
09:26 When your case will be sent to US Embassy
10:19 What you can do