Home European Denmark presents 'the corona passport', Greece unveils first EU Covid passport, UFOs swarm USS Omaha

Denmark presents 'the corona passport', Greece unveils first EU Covid passport, UFOs swarm USS Omaha

Denmark presents 'the corona passport', Greece unveils first EU Covid passport, UFOs swarm USS Omaha

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0:00​ – Danes present digital coronavirus passport for travel abroad

2:49​ – Greece unveils first EU Covid passport as ‘fast lane to travel’

5:01​ – UFOs swarm Navy ship USS Omaha






Scripture to consider before the news:

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

The he in the scripture of truth is the final pope which will be the false prophet, and 2nd beast of the book of the Revelation in chapter 13.

As we proceed to the final prophetic week for Israel, you will see this world getting more and more conditioned to receiving a vaccination in order to travel, buy stuff and much more.

In the middle of the upcoming 70th week is when the beast will be slain by a sword and will yet live and the final pope will dispense the official mark of the beast to buy or sell, it will be a global mandatory mark to buy or sell.

The Vatican is that great city of Revelation 17:18 which reigns over the kings of the earth via her militia the Jesuit Order and he (the final pope) will produce a STRONG CAUSE for all the world to receive the mark of the beast after he ascends from the bottomless pit, even Judas Iscariot, back on the earth, ruling the world.

We are being satanically programmed right now. But for those illuminated by the scripture of truth, we are NOT deceived by that old serpent.

#WatchmanReport #CoronaPassport #USSOmaha



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