Home European What happens after Spanish Residency on the Non Lucrative Visa?

What happens after Spanish Residency on the Non Lucrative Visa?

What happens after Spanish Residency on the Non Lucrative Visa?

In this weeks video, Skatz and residency expert Chris from Upsticks talk about what happens after you get your Spanish Residency on the Non Lucrative Visa, including registering at a Health Centre, making a will, preparing for your year 2&3 visa extension and more.
Skatz will also give his first hand views about how it feels, having recently got his residency card.
Plus of course they’ll both be answering viewers questions about today’s topic and anything else to do with moving to Spain.

TIMECODES (will appear here within 48 hours of the livestream broadcast)
00:00 Intro
02:04 Guest intro
04:00 Registering at the Health Centre
17:35 Always have a printer/scanner – why?
19:00 Viewer question – getting healthcare when self-employed or spouse of self-employed person
20:45 What documents and records should you keep for the future?
24:05 Viewer question – how easy is it to be on the SIP?
25:10 Making a will in Spain and in the UK
38:08 Preparing for your Non Lucrative Visa renewal
45:28 Which address to use, and complications with PD box addresses if you live out of town and can’t receive mail at your actual address
50:24 Viewer question – Interest rates Spain Vs UK
51:10 More about preparation for renewal
57:30 Farewell to guest, and prizes
1:02:30 My personal hints and tips and experiences: starting up self-employment, how it feels in your first few months, learning the language, the end of ‘the holiday’, the winter and COVID and the lack of tourists and masks, the hazards of being a musician and creative artist, having a lot of irons in the fire and prioritising the irons
1:07:53 Outro

IMPORTANT websites:
‘Upsticks’ for help with Visas & Residency (free callback available):

Upsticks on YouTube:

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YouTooSpain website for news, fun and articles about moving to and being in Spain:

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Apostille Services UK for apostille and translations:
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