Home Caribbean Medical Student Testimonial

Medical Student Testimonial

Medical Student Testimonial

Spartan Health Science University School of Medicine is one of the oldest (41 Years Old) university in Caribbean region with proven Academic Excellence.
Spartan University was established in 1980 and was owned by a Psychiatrist and transferred its ownership to a well-known Surgeon from New York, USA. SHSU SOM aims in Standard – Quality Education and Success of the Graduates.
With eligibility to license and work worldwide, SHSU SOM GRADUATES are Currently Practicing in more than 25 countries around for world and majority of them in USA and Canada.
SHSU is –
 Accredited, Chartered and Licensed by the Govt. of St. Lucia,
 listed under WHO in the World Directory of Medical Schools (WDOMS),
 listed in Int. Medical Education directory (IMED) maintained by the FAIMER.



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