In this week’s Spanish Breakfast show on YouTooSpain,
Skatz asks his expert guest live from Malaga, Chris from Upsticks, all about how to get Spanish Residency for Irish and EU Citizens, how to register, what order to do everything in, and what paperwork you need.
You can ask questions live on the Chat, or afterwards on playback in the comments.
In the coming weeks, Skatz will be covering all aspects of moving to Spain including which visa to apply for if you’re a non-EU citizen. He’s already covered the Non Lucrative Visa, next will be the Self-employed visa (Autonomo), the Golden visa and the Employment and Student visas.
IMPORTANT websites:
‘Upsticks’ for help with Visas & Residency (free callback available):
Apostille Services UK for apostille and translations:
use the code ANDREWAPO for a discount!!
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YouTooSpain website for news, fun and articles about moving to and being in Spain:
Liz’s yoga channel:
Liz’s Aromatherapy channel:
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