This episode is part 2 of a 2 part series discussing the highlights affecting residency candidates that occurred in 2021 where we discuss the remaining 3 events out of 9.
1. NRMP Program Director Survey released 1 year early (August 2021) – After looking at many new data points, including the importance of USMLE Scores (and in particular Step 1), programs are looking at applicants holistically vs using a standardized filter.
2. ECFMG Certificate Pathways approved for 2021 Match was extended to 2022 Match – With the discontinuance of the USMLE Step 2 CS examination, ECFMG implemented the 6th pathway to permit IMGs who did not qualify under any of the 2021 Pathways additional opportunities to obtain ECFMG Certification.
3. Recommendations for Comprehensive Improvement of the UME-GME Transition – A 275-page report from the Graduate Medical Education Review Committee (UGRC) of the Coalition for Physician Accountability provided 34 recommendations for a complete GME overhaul!
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