Home European UN/MUTE /10002 – Online Artist Residency | Featuring ALEX MIRUTZIU

UN/MUTE /10002 – Online Artist Residency | Featuring ALEX MIRUTZIU

UN/MUTE /10002 – Online Artist Residency | Featuring ALEX MIRUTZIU

Artists meet with their team member for the first time this week. While comparing their art practices some express excitement over shared similarities and others discuss the endless possibilities of a digital whirlpool.

👉🏻 Follow each team’s progress at unmute.nyc 👈🏻

Alex Mirutziu /@alexmirutziu /Romania + Sydney Shavers /@sydney_shavers /NYC

UN/MUTE-10002 is a project by EUNIC NY and Undercurrent, realized with financial support from EUNIC — European Union National Institutes for Culture. This project was co-organized by Austrian Cultural Forum New York, Wallonia-Brussels International in New York, Czech Center New York, Delegation of Flanders to the USA, Goethe-Institut New York, Arts Council Malta in New York, Polish Cultural Institute New York, Romanian Cultural Institute, the Hope Recycling Station, the Jindřich Chalupecký Society, and supported by the European Union Delegation to the United Nations.

@acfny @flandersintheusa @estonian_culture_abroad @gi_newyork @lithuanian_culture_institute @artscouncilmalta @lithuaniancultureusa @polishculturalinstituteny @romanianculturalinstituteusa @euatun @eunicglobal @hoperecyclingstation @wal.bru.int.etatsunis #unmute10002 #unmutenyc #eunicnyc #eunicunmutenyc #EUArtistsNYC #ICRNY #rciusa



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