Home Caribbean Burning my Israeli passport in protest at Gaza bombing

Burning my Israeli passport in protest at Gaza bombing

Burning my Israeli passport in protest at Gaza bombing

As a Jew and a second generation survivor I spent 5 years in Israel until I became entirely disenchanted with the blatant racism and inequality directed not only at other Jews but primarily at Palestinian Arabs. The disproportionate use of violence to suppress legitimate Palestinian protest for equal rights and compensation, an equitable solution to ‘mistakes’ committed by the Zionist state during its early years and human rights violations that are ongoing and deliberate made my question my own relationship to Judaism and ask whether there is not something inherently wrong about the “Jewish state” and perhaps with the ideology and beliefs underpinning it.

The bombing of Gaza after the dramatic withdrawal of Israeli settlements was the last straw for me. I no longer consider myself in any way related to Judaism or Israel, however, I continue to raise my voice about injustice and the oppression of Palestinians is central to understanding the new forms of Fascism spawned by neoliberalism that are destroying out planet and any attempt to forge relations of solidarity.

Long live Palestine!



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