Picmonic 20% off :
Research :
How I Study in Med School (original video):
If you missed out on any of the other Doctor Mom VLOGS
LINK to playlist:
Have you seen my previous videos :
Tips for OBGYN Rotation :
24 hour OB call :
Breastfeeding struggles + DIY baby food :
Sleep through the night | 6 months :
24 hrs as a Doctor with a Baby | OBGYN Rotation :
Residency | ER Rotation :
Main VLOG Camera: Sony alpha6000 :
Tripod :
Water Camera (AUKEY) :
Tokyo Sunset by Erik Lund @erik-lund-18
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs youtu.be/YVw4qNFsPWA
Lets keep in touch
Instagram @dr.jennale
Wyatt’s Instagram @lebillingsfamily