Citizenship by investment programs worldwide are often recognized in the media as primarily providing the benefit of increasing a person’s global mobility. With a second passport through citizenship by investment, a person can access over a hundred countries visa free, increasing the facility for travel globally.
In addition to increasing global mobility for passport holders, investors who do citizenship by investment can have a Plan B option in the event that something goes wrong in their home country. Citizenship by Investment can offer a form of protection if your home country government becomes too crazy.
Countries that offer citizenship by investment in the Caribbean include; Antigua & Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada, St.Lucia and St.Kitts & Nevis. There are also other countries around the world that offer citizenship by investment.
I have personally lived in the Caribbean for many years and really enjoy it. The Caribbean has a lot to offer.
For more information about citizenship by investment you can contact: jennifer@jhmarlin.com