Home Caribbean NTL Trust Webinar About the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program

NTL Trust Webinar About the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program

NTL Trust Webinar About the Turkish Citizenship by Investment Program

CBI is not just about visa-free traveling. It is about investment portfolio diversification and interesting benefits from obtained citizenship. Protect yourself, your family and wealth from the instabilities in your country.

According to statistics, as of March 2020, more than 5,000 citizenships were issued, 9,000 applications were processed, and new applications from foreign investors continue to grow. Why is this country at the juncture of Asia and Europe so popular among investors?

1) In 2018, the investment threshold for the program decreased and the minimum requirements for obtaining citizenship were reduced;
2) The ability to travel to 111 countries without a visa;
3) Turkey permits dual citizenship;
4) Investors can, after obtaining citizenship, apply for an E-2 investor US visa…

Sounds interesting? Learm more from the NTL Trust free of charge webinar where our speaker Mr. Imad Elbitar, Managing Director of NTL Trust in the Middle East and Turkey answered all questions.

Have more questions? Visit our website: www.ntltrust.com

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