The University of the Philippines in partnership with
UP Manila NIH National Telehealth Center and in cooperation with
UP Philippine General Hospital
would like to invite you to join the Fight Against COVID-19!
Webinar #85 “How do we prevent our Emergency Rooms from shutting down?”
January 28, 2022 (Friday) 12nn
Dr. April B. Llaneta
Immediate Past Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine Services
UP-Philippine General Hospital
Dr. Maria Victoria E. Datinguinoo
Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine
East Avenue Medical Center
Dr. Lourdes D. Jimenez
Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine
The Medical City
Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa
Chair, Dept. of Emergency Medicine Services
UP-Philippine General Hospital
Opening Remarks:
Dr. Richard Henry S. Santos
Philippine College of Emergency Medicine
Synthesis and Closing Remarks:
Dr. Carmencita D. Padilla
University of the Philippines Manila
Webinar #85 “How do we prevent our Emergency Rooms from shutting down?”
Special Topic
How do we prevent our emergency rooms from shutting down during a pandemic?
As the Omicron variant swept the National Capital Region, scores of doctors, nurses and frontline workers had to self-isolate or quarantine because they were sick or had family members who were sick. Some hospitals had to close down entire wards or certain parts of the hospital with heavy foot traffic to avoid the spread of infection.
But, of all the different parts of a health facility, the emergency room (sometimes called the emergency unit or emergency department) is the one that works 24/7 and cannot stop functioning. Even prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, our emergency rooms have been overbooked, sometimes overflowing with patients. With COVID-19, new threats and risks for patients and staff need to be more closely examined.
With the surge of infections from the Omicron variant – emergency rooms and pre-hospital services around the country have to rethink how they are organized, how to protect their frontliners, how to keep patients without COVID-19 safe and how to continue to serve and address emergencies in ways that are effective, efficient and of high quality.
In this episode of STOP COVID DEATHS, co-sponsored by the Philippine College of Emergency Medicine, we will tackle what we need to do to make sure that our emergency rooms do not shut down. We will hear from three hospital emergency room heads: Dr. April B. Llaneta from the UP-Philippine General Hospital, Dr. Maria Veronica E. Datinguinoo from the East Avenue Medical Center, and Dr. Lourdes D. Jimenez from The Medical City; to be followed with a reaction from Dr. Teodoro J. Herbosa, currently the new head of the Department of Emergency Medicine at the UP-Philippine General Hospital. The Opening Remarks Speaker will be Dr. Richard Henry S. Santos, President of the Philippine College of Emergency Medicine, with Synthesis and Closing Remarks by Dr. Carmencita D. Padilla, Chancellor of the University of the Philippines Manila.
Join us in another exciting episode with experts here in your credible online community!
Stay Safe. Stay Healthy. Stay Connected.
Together, we can STOP COVID DEATHS!