In today’s video we are investigating Foreigner in Russia? Apply for residency!
If you are intersted in Foreigner in Russia? Apply for residency! then this video is definitely for you.
Have you previously searched for Foreigner in Russia? Apply for residency! and not received the answer that you are looking for?
I completely understand, the topic of Foreigner in Russia? Apply for residency! is a difficult one and many people have different opinions on this subject.
Watch this video and see what you think hopefully it will answer all your question about Foreigner in Russia? Apply for residency!
All foreigners who live, lived or have visited Russia can agree on one thing, Russia is an amazing country. Now I’m not gonna do a pitch on how amazing it is. It is however, my adopted country and I can say one thing for sure, Russia gets ridiculously bad press!!!!
The reason I started this project was so we can honestly show what Russia is really like. This is to benefit anybody wanting to visit Russia and wants honest information. This is not Government sponsored or any sort of propaganda. On this site you will see the good and the bad.
The Idea is simple. Anyone can upload a video here. As long as it is about Russia. Please make clips about anything to do with Russia. About your daily life, events, places to visit, work, study, living, hints.
My name is Sam Hyland. I am an Englishman living in Russia since 2004. I have been involved in a number of different projects during my time here and had lots of experiences, good and bad. As a foreigner, I understand the difficulties of moving to Russia (Not because Russia is a big, bad, scary country) because while it maybe big, it is far from scary! Russia is an exciting country and has lots to offer anyone who would like to give it a try.
Watch this video and see what you think hopefully it will answer all your question about Foreigner in Russia? Apply for residency!
I want to give special thanks to NFKRZ for releasing Debunking Myths About Russia.
Here are some of my other favorite youtubers and their videos!
Things I LOVE About Russia
The Interrogation of Col. Russell Williams
BALD AND BANKRUPT: The Fearless Brit Exploring Russia
Redditors Who Have Lawfully Killed Someone, What’s Your Story? (AskReddit)
my experience coming from a low-income Russian family
Soviet & Russian Leader Tier List
Fathers Who Abandoned Their Family, Why’d You Do It? (AskReddit)
My thoughts on Incels as an Ex-Incel
Denying Your History | Armenian Genocide
Doctors Share Their Worst Experiences – AskReddit
Playing the Victim | Historical Revisionism and Japan
Atrocity Guide
Jim Can’t Swim
Paul Joseph Watson
Knowing Better
Radio TTS
Knowing Better
Take a look at NFKRZ stats and you’ll understand why I am a fan.
Video Url:
Video Title: Debunking Myths About Russia
Username: NFKRZ
Subscribers: 681K
Views: 72,146 views
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