Home European Sejarah pulau Kalimantan terbesar d dunia, History of kalimantan, Indonesia kalimantan

Sejarah pulau Kalimantan terbesar d dunia, History of kalimantan, Indonesia kalimantan

Sejarah pulau Kalimantan terbesar d dunia, History of kalimantan, Indonesia kalimantan

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The history of kalimantan describes the history of the island of kalimantan starting from prehistoric times when man austrolomelanesia entered the land of kalimantan in 8000 B.C.E. to the present day. The remains of his skull were found in the cave of pigs on the slopes of mount buli, village of randu, village of lumbang, tabalong and niah caves in sarawak. First, the island of Borneo USES its name instead of the Sanskrit word kalamanthana, which means “burning weather island,” a hot hot island to explain its tropical climate.
By the international world, it is the third largest island in the world, located north of the island of Java and west of sulawesi. The island of kalimantan is divided into Indonesia (73%), Malaysia (26%), and brunei (1%). The island of kalimantan is famous for the title “the island of a thousand rivers” because of the many streams that flow through the island.
Yes, it contains two words: ka (” period, season, time “)



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