UK, Cases, + 48,553
Third wave in hospitals
Admission, + 582
Dr Catherine Monaghan, University Hospital of North Tees
People are still critically unwell with it – I cannot quite believe we’re back at this stage again – it’s really worrying.”
Currently 22 Covid patients
Five in intensive care
Average ages lower than during the first two waves
Two seriously ill, 30s, unvaccinated
Visits to adult wards suspended
Patients likely to increase into August
Behaviour of local communities from 19 July will determine how serious the challenge will be
We are praying that the public do maintain some sense of perspective on this – somewhere between everybody being locked down and getting what they want
Covid symptom study
Unvaccinated people in the UK
17,5881 new daily symptomatic cases of COVID on average
(based on PCR test data)
Last week it was 22,638 (down 22%)
Suggesting that the wave in the unvaccinated population has now peaked in the UK
Vaccinated people in the UK
15,537 new daily symptomatic cases in partly or fully vaccinated
Last week it was 11,084 (up 40%)
With cases in the vaccinated group continuing to rise,
the number of new cases in the vaccinated population is set to overtake the unvaccinated in the coming days
This is probably because we’re running out of unvaccinated susceptible people to infect as more and more people get the vaccine.
Whilst the figures look worrying, it’s important to highlight that vaccines have massively reduced severe infections and post-vaccination COVID is a much milder disease for most people.
The main concern is now the risk of Long COVID.
One in 142 people in the UK currently have symptomatic COVID
UK R = 1.0
Long covid
550 cases a day in unvaccinated
1.2% (age 20)
4.8% (age 63)
Next couple of weeks
Euro Football Championship
Cases, + 31,815
Middle East
Spread of delta
Eid al-Adha next week
current COVID-19 upsurge may continue to peak in the coming weeks, with catastrophic consequences