Home European New UAE Green Visa – An Awesome Opportunity to Relocate to UAE

New UAE Green Visa – An Awesome Opportunity to Relocate to UAE

New UAE Green Visa – An Awesome Opportunity to Relocate to UAE

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UAE is constantly progressing and looking for more ways to attract people to the country! This time they’ve introduced a new type of visa called the Green Visa.

The United Arab Emirates has announced a new class of visas, the latest step in a series of moves aimed at attracting talent and boosting growth.
“Green Visas” will allow expatriates to apply for work without being sponsored by an employer, targeting investors and highly skilled workers as well as top students and graduates. Green visa holders will be able to sponsor their parents and children up to the age of 25 on their permits.

“It targets highly skilled individuals, investors, business people, entrepreneurs, as well exceptional students and postgraduates,” said Minister of State for Foreign Trade Thani al-Zeyoudi.

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Author: Michael Rosmer

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